Monday, August 30, 2010

first discussion

Today we had our first discussion, It was a practice one.  We talked about chickens and how they can fight with their heads cut off, and other stuff like that.  We talked about craigslist and how you have to be careful of what craigslist you go to and that you can sell stuff on there. We also talked about other stuff but thats it for today.

Friday, August 27, 2010

First Full Week Of School

My first week of school was very tiring all of the homework got me really tired but besides that it was a good full week. I am sorta exited for BearStock. I had alot of homework this first full week but I got most of it done. I am really thankful that its Friday.  I had a good full week other than the fact that it was tiring. My classes changed so I started a new class on Wednesday. So that was fun kinda.  It was different this week because I didnt now what to do yesteday for late start. Oh well i will get the hang of it hopefully. That was my first week of school.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

two videos

From watching the two videos Did You Know and Digital Text I learned a few things. The video Did You Know I learned that There are over 200 million registered users on myspace, also I learned that 1 out of 8 couples married in the U.S. last year met online. There are 31 billion searches on Google every month. In the year 2006 the number was down to 2.7 billion. Also  I learned that today, the number of text messages sent and recieved everyday,exceeds the total population on the planet.  On the other video Digital Text I learned that

Monday, August 23, 2010

my weekend

My weekend was eventful, Saturday my brother had a tractor pull in Perry. I didn't go because it was too hot outside, and they left early , so I just did some other things. I am not sure what he placed, but I do know that he got 2nd in one of his pulls. Then Sunday my dad, my brother and I went to Lawrence, to the cell phone store to order me a new cell phone, because mine quit working.  Then we went to Ace Hardware to get some kind of parts. Next we drove to a family friend's house to get him to go eat lunch at Jeffersons in Lawrence.  Then we went to the grocery store in town. Then we went home. I had a really bad headache and went to bed early. It was just to hot so that's why i got a headache.

Friday, August 20, 2010

My First Post

I hope to learn to design my blog more, put youtube on my blog, and learn to do new things in here. I wanna learn new design tools. My name is Emma Nickels i am a senior at Oskaloosa High. My thoughts