Monday, December 20, 2010

Lord of the Rings Epic Analysis

My media class just finished watching two Lord of the Rings movies The Fellowship of the Ring, and The Two Towers, directed by Peter Jackson. Three main characters I am going to discuss are Frodo, Gandalf, and Aragon. The three epic elements I am going to discuss are heroes and courage, supernatural, and Setting
         In the first part of Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring Part 2 Sam went into the water to stick by Frodo after he made a promise to Gandalf that he would. Sam said “I made a promise to Gandalf don’t you leave him.” That scene was had a close up when Sam started to drown because he couldn’t swim. Another show of Heroes is Frodo took the ring from his father, Frodo didn’t know what the ring did until Gandalf told him. Bilbo Baggins had to give up the ring when he didn’t want to. It was hard for him to let the ring go but knew he had to pass it on. In The Two Towers Frodo had to talk to Boromirs brother after his army took him and Sam. They wanted to know were his friend was the creature that brought them here. Frodo had to stand up to Boromir brother when he wanted to take the ring from him.  Sam stuck by Frodo when Brodomirs brother wanted to take the ring and Frodo had the courage to tell him NO! then Sam said “Stop we are going to destroy the ring. Leave him alone.”  Close up of Boromirs’ brother’s sword around the ring on Frodo’s chest.

Next are supernatural epics, in Fellowship of the Ring the ring made Bilbo disappear, invisible, when he is talking at the party, he runs all the way back to his house , then is no longer invisible. Gandalf wouldn’t take the ring when Frodo didn’t want to give it to him. In The Two Towers Gandalf the grey turned into Gandalf the white after almost defeating that creature and it grabbed onto his leg and pulled him down to die with him  Aragon and his horse after falling off a cliff while defeating some Orcs everyone thought he was dead. Then his horse came and found him. Galadriel gave a them a sword that lights up when Orcs are close, bread for all, daggers for the hobbits, Elvin rope for Sam, Light for Frodo, and one hair from Galadriel’s hair for Gollum, and a bow for Legolas. The rope that Galadriel gave Sam can untie itself from anything all you have to do is pull on it.
         Last, about the Setting. The setting is first they are at the Shire, then go to Brey where the prancing pony and dark rider is, next they go Rivendale where they meet with Galadriel, where they get the gifts from her to defeat the Orcs. Then Mines of Moria, then Isengaurd where Sararomens army is, then they go to Rowan and Gondar. They traveled along way and beat a lot of creatures and had fights and wars. A lot of men died and risked their lives to beat the Orcs and they had some good fights all together this movie had a lot of lessons and screen shots. There are still hero’s to this day. They can be a childhood hero, or someone who has always been there for you can also be a hero, a best friend. Who can help you through anything. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Novel podcast

I am reading Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts. The conflict in this book is that Novalee Nation who is 17 and  is 7 months pregnant and her boyfriend Willie Jack gives her money to go by shoes because her feet are swollen and he leaves her at wal-mart with $7.77. She has been living in wal-mart since he left her in Sequoyah Oklahoma. Novalee is homeless and pregnant. The one thing that is important in this book is that Novalee has to decide to either to get a job or have hope that Willy Jack will come back. 
This book relates to the show on TV called 16 and pregnant. 
The Character is this book are
Novalee Nation- main character

Friday, November 12, 2010


This a picture of the water tower, I didn't change the picture at all because I thought it looked okay the way it was.  It is a long shot but up in the air. I liked this picture because the clouds look like its part of the tower.

This is a long shot I was walking to the cemetary and taking this picture at the same time. I used the matte to make the inside boarder, and the vignette to make the outer boarder to make it look like I stood way far away to take this picture then I did enhance to brighten the picture a little bit.

This is a picture of a tombstone as a fireplace. I liked this picture because it makes the tombstone look like a real fireplace.  The Technique I used was eye level and I tilted the camera up ward and took it. I used sepia to make it look the olden days when people used fireplaces.

I used black and white to make it look like its dark outside sorta. I like this photo because it is framing the other tombstones in the background.  I also liked the quote on this tombstone. The technique I used was close up and framing.

This picture of my classmates while outside and I used black and white with long shot.  The sun was to much on this picture. The tree was pretty and used some shadows.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Red Balloon

Today we finished watching The Red Balloon.  We have started our movie unit. We did story boards while we watched the movie to help us with this blog. I learned camera angles such as Medium Shot which in the movie was when the boy was waiting for the bus, also when he was sad when he couldn't get in the bus. Another camera angle I learned was the long camera angle with the fence when a group of boys surrounded the boy with the balloon because they really wanted that balloon. Another example of long shot was when he ran out of church with the balloon and took it on a hill and wanted to get some bread.  Now I am going to talk about framing. Some framing examples in the movie was when the balloon went into the church, when the boy was running with the balloon,when the boy is running through the escape tunnel and the collection of the balloons on the water.  Their was some music with the movie and their was music with the church organs and the balloon is outside the church and the balloon is lonly.
Their are some significance with the balloon is like a person and has a support system.